Blogging in the age of covid

     Hi Everyone! It's been a while, but pandemics can do that. Since the lockdown and my last post I've been writing pretty regularly and the first book in Davonna and my fantasy series, THE LAST WIZARD OF BRETONIA, is being read by our beta readers, who've found some interesting things. One now obviously more metaphoric than we intended passage had us both rolling on the floor, glad it didn't sneak through and get us an R+ rating. We've also begun book II and are about a third into a first draft. So the story will continue. And we've done a draft of the first book as a pilot for a TV show. Who knows what might happen with that.

    For those wanting an update on Coda, my German Shepard, she's had issues with weakness in her hindquarters, so I've been taking her to get some hydrotherapy. I'm not sure how much she likes it, but she sure looks cute jogging in the water tank. Plus she's shown some improvement and gained back some muscle mass and range of motion. Here she is enjoying her walk.


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