
Showing posts from March 7, 2013
Author Mary Cronk Farrell tagged me to be one of the Next Big Thing Blog Hop authors. This traveling blog started in Australia. Each author answers ten questions about his or her work in progress and "tags" from one to five others to be The Next Big Thing. Many thanks to Mary for inviting me to participate .   I actually have two WIPs, so I'm going to shamelessly tell you about both of them.   Book one:   What is the working title of your book? My working title is FREELAND Where did the idea come from for the book? That's a bit of a story. Originally the idea was a takeoff from a manuscript I had just finished. I wanted to put my education, a PhD in History to some use, but not in as a straight historical fiction. I wanted pirates and weird steampunk technology, and came up with an idea about a brother an sister working as spies for George Washington during the 1790s. That got tossed around and reworked quite a bit. FREELAND is now set i...