Pandemic musings

I just wanted to check in with everyone during the pandemic. I'm doing fine, no symptoms; Coda, my German Shepard is doing well too. Where I live, Spokane, we don't have a lot of cases yet, but we're 300 miles from Seattle, and they are swamped. I have friends and family there and it's worrisome. I canceled my plans to go visit over spring break and instead I'm self-isolating. Fortunately, I have a big yard and can go outside easily, and when the weather is nice spend time in the sun away from others. I'm on day eleven, so I think I'm probably in the clear, at least until I have to go grocery shopping again. I bought enough food for probably 3 weeks, depending on what I want to eat, but eventually, I will have to go out again.

I work at a university, and things are going to be strange there for awhile. Everything will be done online, although there will be students who have no other choice still living in dorms. That seems like an invitation to parties, but what do I know?

Anyway, I'm still writing, working on what I hope is the last draft of Davonna and my fantasy before sending it to readers. And my books are still available as long as the internet works.

If you're stuck inside, catch up on some reading, video chat with friends and family, don't read/watch more news than you have to to stay informed, and keep in touch. Keep safe, and take this illness seriously.

Here's a picture of Coda warding off illness with stress relief.

Good luck my friends.


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